Flash Fiction Month Collections

These flash fiction collections include most of the stories I’ve written during Flash Fiction Months (use this link to read more). Since they were finished and released before the first Greenfield book was anywhere near being ready, they are my debuting books. As of now, they have been published only as free ebooks, but physical versions will be made someday (hopefully during the decade of 2020). If you want to see other flash fiction collections I have made or am planning to make, head to this page.

You can see all the released FFM collections here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/byseries/49754

Modern Problem cover art.

Modern Problem

A mishmash of stories from FFM 2015, the Flash Prompt challenges between 2016 and 2018 and the Flash Fiction Days of 2016, 2018 and 2019, Modern Problem is the sort of messy beginning of the FFM collection series that my array of stories was back in 2015. It’s not much and it is definitely outshone by the following entries in the series, but it’s where it all started and thus deserves to be out there by their side.

The Person At The Door cover art.

The Person At The Door

A far more coherent collection of stories than its predecessor, The Person At The Door collects the 27 non-fanfiction stories out of the 32 stories written during FFM 2016. In addition to using each of the daily one-word prompts, it features challenges too long to be included in full on the story page.

The One With Delirium cover art.

The One With Delirium

The One With Delirium collects 27 stories out of the 34 written during FFM 2017 all the while using all the optional themes of the month. Like its predecessor, it also features too-long challenge descriptions that require an Addemdum section.

Searthern Dangers cover art.

Searthern Dangers

Searthern Dangers collects 29 out of 31 stories written during FFM 2018 and uses daily standard prompts alongside challenges and other things. This time, there are no multistory days, so the statistics part is one image shorter. It is also the first collection I am actually proud of.

Past Mistakes cover art.

Past Mistakes

Past Mistakes collects all 31 stories written during FFM 2019, using daily flashback prompts, and The Ultimate Prank, a continuation to one of FFM 2019’s stories and one of my best stories to date. It has some extra things exclusive to this collection alone, so make sure to check it out!

Hunting Inklings cover art.

Hunting Inklings

Hunting Inklings collects all 31 stories written during FFM 2020, many of which expand upon worlds I had already created. Because of that, this collection doesn’t have anything truly special in it, although it does feature some of my best pieces of flash fiction to date.

Birbs cover art.


Birbs collects all 31 stories written during July 2021, many of which expand already existing worlds like with the previous collection. Unlike the previous one, though, this one is full of birbs (tangible, holographic and nominal), so if you like birds, you should check this one out!

Untitled Hearts

Untitled Hearts collects 29 out of 31 stories written during July 2022, many of which expand already existing worlds like the previous collections. While it’s a fairly straightforward collection, it does include an edition of a challenge story that’s eclusive to this collection.