Where to find me?

These are the places where you can reach me in addition to some places where I have an account but which are in use that much. There are a lot of accounts not listed because they’re not important.

In use

DeviantArt: My main site of use when it comes to my art hobby. This is where you can find all my art prior to 20th May 2020 which is when I started my migration off the site. Due to my ties with the community, I visit DA at least twice a week, so I can be reached via a Note (which you should use if you want my attention as soon as I visit DA the next time).

Archive of Our Own: I made an account on AO3 to bookmark and comment stories that I like. Now, I post those of my fanfictions that need AO3’s series structure to stay organized there. I will most likely migrate the rest of my stories from FFN here at some point.

Smashwords: I release my books on Smashwords. You can get my FFM collections there for free.

itch.io: I release my games on itch.io.

Goodreads: I’m using Goodreads to keep track of what books I’m reading and what I have on my TBR list. I’m not familiar with its messaging system but since I have the app on my phone, this might be where you can reach me the fastest.

FanFiction.Net: Managing multi-chapter stories on DeviantArt is difficult to say the least. Therefore, I went to FanFiction.Net to post my fanfiction in a more controllable multi-chapter interface to have the chapters together without crowding the whole gallery with just one story. I used to post my revised stories there, but I have now migrated most of my work to AO3, and the rest will most likely follow. FFN no longer sends email notifications about private messages, so I try to check my inbox every Sunday, but in any case I’m not very reachable there.

GitHub: I’ve put my HTML widgets and most of programming projects on GitHub, so you can look at the code I’ve made public there.

Not so used

YouTube: This is where I post my videos. Both the content and release times are random.

Reddit: My Reddit account with not much going on. I occasionally host giveaways there to get rid of unwanted Steam game keys I’ve gotten on bundles of Humble Bundle. You may or may not be able to reach me there easily; depends on if I get email notifications from private messages whenever I don’t have the app installed on my phone.

Twitter: My Twitter account. Currently completely inactive aside from automated tweets, although I very randomly retweet things.

Not in use

Wattpad: My account I set up to read stories there. I won’t post my stories there, and I’ll probably delete the account at some point.